Xiaodong CHEN

Earth Scientist, PNNL
Regional and Cloud Modeling
CV (pdf)

About Me

I am an Earth Scientist at the Regional and Cloud Modeling Team of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). I am currently working with Dr. Ruby Leung on regional climate simulations, hydroclimate extreme events, and the applications of machine learning.
Before joining PNNL, I got my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington. I was a student of the Sustainability, Satellites, Water, and Environment (SASWE) research group. My Ph.D. study focused on the applications of atmospheric and hydrologic sciences in addressing real-world problems. I developed the assistive methods for the engineering safety designs of high-hazard infrastructures (large hydropower dams, nuclear plants, etc.) based on a synergy of atmospheric numerical models, climate model projections, and data analysis.

News (more)

[2023-11] My leading paper, "Weather Systems Connecting Modes of Climate Variabilities to Regional Hydroclimate Extremes", is published on Geophysical Research Letters. With machine learning models, we are able to identify regional precipitation patterns that are modulated by ENSO and MJO, which is not possible with traditional approaches (e.g., EOF). Feel free to check it out!

[2023-11] My leading paper, "Antecedent Hydrometeorological Conditions of Wildfire Occurrence in the Western US in a Changing Climate", is published on Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. In this papers, we used simple machine learning clustering method to successfully improve the wildfire predictions. Feel free to check it out!

[2023-03] My co-authored paper, "Moisture Sources of Precipitation in the Great Lakes Region: Climatology and Recent Changes", is published on Geophysical Research Letters. Feel free to check it out!

[2023-01] My leading paper, "Sharpening of cold-season storms over the western United States", is published on Nature Climate Change! It shows some interesting change of preciptation in the western US, and feel free to check it out! [AP News], [SF Chronicle], [PNNL News Release]

[2023-01] My co-authored paper, "Potential weakening of the June 2012 North American derecho under future warming", is published on JGR-Atmospheres.

[2022-12] I will be presensting a poster at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting on the Puget Sound hydroclimate predictibiliy: "Quantifying the Predictability of Coastal Hydroclimate Conditions from Large-scale Climate Drivers". Come for a quick chat online!

[2021-04] My leading paper, "Response of U.S. West Coast Mountain Snowpack to Local Sea Surface Temperature Perturbations: Insights from Numerical Modeling and Machine Learning" is published on Journal of Hydrometeorology. It examines how mountainous snowpack across the U.S. west coast are affected by near-shore ocean condition. Feel free to check it out! [DOE highlight] [PNNL highlight]

[2020-06] I will give a talk on the atmospheric rivers, extreme precipitation and water resources over the western U.S. at the California Extreme Precipitation Symposium at UC Davis, 06-30, 2020. Check out the recoded presentation here